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Nevada Dementia Road Map

A Guide for Family and Care Partners.

Care partners to those who have memory loss or dementia are on a journey, a path where many twists and turns are ahead. The journey may remain a part of the care partner’s life for many years. This journey encounters several milestones or stages that lead away from the straight paths traveled. Progression is an individual experience for each person with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it may occur at different times for different people.

Family members who are companions on this journey will need information, support, and guidance along the way. Most families indicate that they are not prepared for life with dementia and a type of “Road Map” to guide them through the process, would help them significantly.

This site has been prepared to meet this need. It paints a clearer picture for the road ahead, offering insight, direction, and tips about what to expect, what decisions lie ahead, and what steps to take.